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A very special quote by Kostas Exarchos

“Well …I’m literally fucking crying as I write these lines…

This album! It’s been a bumpy ride, a rough journey! 

Compendium of a band that was constantly dying then rising from its ashes, for a whole decade! A decade of leveling an economic crisis that changed our life forever, our goals, our relationships… it dragged us back into the dark ages of degraded human rights, civil rights, working prospects! A decade of forfeited close friends and childhood heroes! No need to mention that this album was completed in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic and released during times of war!!! That’s what I call stubbornness and persistence, lol!

This album is a stream of a decade’s emotions! 

I wish we could print all the tunes we composed over the years, but that’s an impossible task!

So I would like to dedicate this album to determination, persistence, music … art in general, the only thing that kept me sane throughout my whole life, and probably out of jail, lol!

I would like to thank my family for  their love and support, my dear close friends, my band, all the band mates throughout the years, all the beautiful people who supported me in every way possible, all the wonderful artists that

I have met, dreams and visions we shared during inspiring and fuelling all night long conversations, all the musicians I shared the stage with, the notorious Remedy crew, the Worst Case Scenario crew, all the everyday heroes who chοose to live their life with dignity, the ones who struggle to keep their soul pure, all the beautiful crazy ones that chοose to make a stand when injustice appears and the ones that exceed their comfort zone in order to help the ones in need! Never forget. All we have is each other!’’